Morrissey para treinador da Inglaterra!

Ficam aqui uns excertos de um artigo hilariante do Guardian sobre porque deve ser Morrissey o novo treinador da Inglaterra.

"And the next England manager must be hewn from English oak. ... But just any Englishman? I think not. Rather England's new manager must be to England what Captain America is to America. He must be the very distillation of Englishness. And in all seriousness, there can be only one candidate. Cometh the crisis, cometh the man. Step forward Stephen Patrick Morrissey."

"Morrissey should be the new England manager because, despite being Irish, he is the most English person alive apart from Mrs Thatcher, who is a woman. And, like Mrs Thatcher, he is of the opinion that real Englishness is under threat."

"There will be complimentary Brilliantine dispensers in the gents toilets (there will be no ladies toilets). Non-smoking will be discouraged. All policing will be done by a single laughing bobby on a white horse."

O Artigo Completo
- descoberto no Big Black Boat

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